Firstly, the initial thoughts from the Regional Officer [CT] and Branch Exec team was that we wanted to continue with the action on 28th December as it had been a huge success on the 21st.
After listening to other GMB reps in other Trusts it was clear that when it came to a vote, the over-riding opinion would be to postpone the 28th and serve notice for the 11th January 2023.
The other GMB Regions reps stated their reasons as;
- Concerned the public would be unhappy with the action being between Christmas and New year.
- Concerns for Patient Care between Christmas and New Year.
- Wanted to coordinate with other Unions in their area that were taking strike action on 11th January.
- Didn’t want to be in a position where they would be crossing another union’s picket line.
Only other option was to go it alone at EMAS, which we felt was not the best course of action.
So with a heavy heart we have agreed to be coordinated with all other GMB regions.
On a positive note, it gives us more time to prepare and to make 11th January 2023 even better. And without mince pies.
Merry Christmas everyone.