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Technician to Paramedic Annex 5 Band to Band
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Technician to Paramedic Annex 5 Band to Band

Last week, EMAS issued further clarification regarding the nationally agreed Band-to-Band reversion back to Annex 5. The GMB fundamentally disagreed with the Trust’s interpretation of this national agreement.

GMB writes to new Secretary of State
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GMB writes to new Secretary of State

NHS workers are still waiting for this year’s pay award and GMB has now written to the Secretary of State regarding this and enclosing a copy of GMBs Pay Claim… Read the letter here…

NHS Pay Update: Conservative Government Leave NHS Workers Without A Pay Rise
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NHS Pay Update: Conservative Government Leave NHS Workers Without A Pay Rise

NHS workers have been disappointed once again by the Conservative Government, which left office without implementing the scheduled pay award for April 1, 2024.

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