Latest News

Security & Safety Upgrades at EMAS: New Body-Worn Camera System & Policy Changes
EMAS is making bold moves to improve security and staff protection through technology and updated policies. The new BWC system, set to launch in March, will provide greater accountability, ease of use, and improved operational readiness. Additionally, updates to the CAD Warning Markers SOP will better support ambulance crews in handling incidents of abuse and violence.

Make Your Voice heard
The trust are currently engaging with staff on the principles of rostering, this is your chance to make your voice heard by the trust about what you like or don’t like about the current systems of how rostering is done, what you want to see from any future rostering system. You can give your views […]

Membership Newsletter – February 2025
Temporary pay uplift for Bands 2 and 3 announced. Use a banks person to avoid reversing accidents. Review Occupational Health reports carefully; request a copy if needed. Members have the right to GMB representation at meetings—contact your rep early.