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Protect the Right to Strike!

Published 25th January 2023 by GMB EMAS

More than 200,000 people have now signed the petition: Protect the right to strike!

It’s an incredible start, but we need to keep the momentum up.

MPs will be voting on the Strikes Bill next week, and we know that many MPs are undecided about whether they will support these laws or not. In fact, some Tory MPs are beginning to waver and have started to voice concerns about the Bill.

We need to reach MPs urgently to ensure they act to defend the right to strike. And the people they’re most likely to listen to are their own constituents.

Whichever party your MP is in, you have a part to play. But we have to act now before the Bill is voted on next week.

In less than one week, MPs will vote again. When that happens, there needs to be no doubt that working people want the Bill gone. We need to take action now if we’re going to influence MPs on this Bill.

This is just the beginning. Keep up to date with the campaign by checking your emails from us and taking a look at the TUC’s campaign page. 

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