The trust are currently engaging with staff on the principles of rostering, this is your chance to make your voice heard by the trust about what you like or don’t like about the current systems of how rostering is done, what you want to see from any future rostering system.
You can give your views in a number of ways:
- Complete the rostering survey https://forms.office.com/e/xegtPD4BXv
- Let your local GMB rep know your opinion (find your local rep here https://gmbemas.org/meet-the-team/#)
- Email GMB@EMAS via enquiries@gmbemas.org
- Go to the Conversation Cafes that are taking part across the trust (more details https://enews.emasnews.org.uk/issue-455-25-february-2025/staff-news/more-rostering-review-conversation-cafe-dates-set )
- Join the Rostering review workplace group (https://emas-nhs.workplace.com/groups/418367587948486)
The GMB have a representative on the main rostering principles group, we welcome that fact that the Trust have seen fit to have us involved at an early stage to represent the best interests of our members and to work towards rostering systems that are simpler to understand, are fair to all staff and support staff health and wellbeing. We have provided a constructive viewpoint, challenged senior managers when required to ensure that our members views are heard, we will continue to do so on our members behalf.

If you want more information about the rostering principles there is a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) which is constantly being added to by the Trust to see the latest version https://enews.emasnews.org.uk/issue-453-11-february-2025/chief-executives-update/chief-executives-update-1 (it’s in the lower part of the page.)