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Leadership Survey Update – November 2024

Published 25th September 2024 by GMB EMAS

Yesterday, the EMAS CEO Richard Henderson released a bulletin to all staff in response to our leadership survey last year. GMB EMAS have been working closely with the Trust for months to highlight areas for improvement. While there is some way to go GMB EMAS welcomes this bulletin.

GMB believes this bulletin contains strong messages, comments and instructions contained within it.

EMAS Chief Executive Officer Richard Henderson said.

“I expect all leaders at EMAS to strive for person-centred, compassionate and inclusive leadership at all times. For colleagues, my expectation is that you use the EMAS Values to underpin everything you do, including the way we deliver services and how we all work with others.”

“Our People Strategy sets out our commitment to positively develop the EMAS working environment, culture and levels of trust and confidence in each other.”

“One of the four pillars within the strategy is about ‘looking after our people.’ This involves embedding a positive and healthy culture.”

“I appreciate that the challenge of self-reflection alongside the contextual reality of your job can be emotionally draining.”

Richard has committed to follow this statement through and meet with all leaders and colleagues, to put the theory into practice across the trust. GMB representatives will be actively involved in this.

We now need the help and support of our membership to further push for improvements within the trust’s culture. We advise all members to read the EMAS People Strategy and if you feel there are examples of leaders not following the ethos of the strategy, please complete this form. Even if it’s just a small issue.

We will use this information to highlight where improvements are required and to hold leaders to account for their actions.

This being said, we are also looking for examples of good leadership, where you feel leaders have met your expectations or excelled in their role. Collecting the good and the bad allows us to use these good examples to improve future practices.

If the behaviour is extremely poor we may advise a formal grievance, but that will be your decision and GMB will protect your information at all times.

GMB EMAS continue to work hard for its members to improve the working environment for staff at all levels of the trust.

If you have any further questions please contact us.

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