We are pleased to provide you with the latest updates from our ongoing collaborative meetings with senior leaders at EMAS. This update reflects our joint efforts to address concerns raised by our members during the leadership survey conducted by GMB in December 2023.
The GMB EMAS Executive team has convened on several occasions following the survey outcomes. We have jointly reviewed and analysed the survey results, identifying prevalent trends and pinpointing areas of concern raised by you all. We are committed to collaborating and working in partnership with EMAS to address these concerns effectively and bring about improvement in your working life.
Please find below some of our latest updates!
Attendance Policy
We have worked in partnership with EMAS Senior Leaders and with other trade union colleagues to clarify the differing interpretations of the Attendance Policy. Our joint efforts have led to the clarification of the rolling 12-month period – which is reflected in the flow chart and the main body of the policy, which helps transparency and understanding. These amendments have now been integrated into policy and collectively we all now have a responsibility moving forward to monitor the application of this policy. Clear communication channels have been established to ensure that Divisions are informed, and training initiatives will be rolled out to foster compliance and understanding throughout the organisation.
New Process for Handling Work-Related Injuries
We are excited to announce the upcoming implementation of a new process for handling work-related injuries (WRI). This initiative is being worked on and the membership includes Health and Safety, GMB, UNISON, Heads of Operations and the Health and Wellbeing Team representatives. The new process will streamline the reporting and investigation of WRIs. The detail is being mapped out however if a case is deemed to be not work-related, these cases will then be reviewed by a central corporate panel. Training has already been rolled out regarding WRI’s and this is already having a positive impact. This process is currently being finalised and will be launched across the Trust in due course.
Other Updates:
EMAS approved a new People Strategy in March 2024. As expected, there is a continuous need to develop all of our people as expected under the National People Plan for the NHS. EMAS is also rolling out a further leadership development plan delivered by Zeal Solutions for all leaders in EMAS. All Trade Unions have been asked to provide feedback and work closely with Zeal to ensure the programme addresses key areas of concern by our members and ensure leading with compassion is at the forefront of the training.
We are committed to work in partnership to raise the matters that are important to you, we will always continue to work closely with EMAS to ensure members’ concerns are addressed.
Patient Safety Incidents and a Just Culture: Our ongoing efforts also focus on any link between patient safety incidents, leadership and wellbeing. We have held conversations with the Director of Quality Improvement and Patient Safety, in regard to this.
Staff Welfare: We continue to work closely with EMAS on improving staff health, wellbeing and welfare. These include areas such as improving everyone’s knowledge and understanding of Disability and Long-term conditions. Tailored adjustment plans and their implementation, as well as ensuring staff are offered suitable health and wellbeing support and pathways personal to them.
Flexible Working Policy: Work is already being taken to improve flexible working requests, we have held workshops and have workstreams to improve the process and education on flexible working and its benefits. Trade Unions are receiving updates on the actions and receive metrics on all applications through our attendance at sub-committees of the Board, such as the Workforce Committee and also Workforce Resourcing and Governance Group.
Freedom to Speak Up: Members expressed concerns regarding the timelines in policies not being adhered to. This included but was not limited to IR1’s, resolution of employment concerns and Freedom to Speak up submissions. Trade unions are working closely with EMAS to understand any root causes to address these concerns and updates will follow in due course.
Relief Working: We are pleased to report significant progress in reshaping relief working, with a rewritten relief SOP and successful pilots across divisions. Further work continues in this area.
We appreciate the continued engagement and feedback from our members as we work together with EMAS to enhance your working life and to ensure that EMAS leadership and workplace practices are best practice and benefit all. Stay tuned for further updates as we advance this important project.