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Ambulance Workers Survey – The Results

Published 22nd June 2023 by GMB EMAS

You may recall last month we asked you to complete a survey on what you wanted GMB to focus on over the next 12 months.

GMB EMAS want to say a massive thank-you to our members for completing this survey. A total of 1,697 surveys were completed across the NHS Ambulance Service and 13% were EMAS members.

  • 52% of respondents are on Section 2 – 38% were forced transfers.
  • 23% of forced transfers took place in 2021.
  • 58% of those on Section 2 would transfer to Annex 5 if given the choice.
  • 33% don’t know the differences between Section 2 and Annex 5.
  • 86% on Annex 5 would not change jobs or seek promotion so as not to lose Annex 5, but 96% of these would if the Annex was protected.
  • Retirement age was the biggest concern outside of Section 2.

GMB will now move forward with its campaign to abolish section 2 unsocial hours payment in favour of the old Annex 5 as well as continuing to look at reducing the retirement age for Ambulance workers across the NHS.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

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