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2024 Fee Reimbursement Scheme – Open

Published 1st May 2024 by GMB EMAS

GMB@EMAS remains the leading trade union within EMAS. We pride ourselves on the service and support we offer to members from all areas within the Trust.

The GMB continues to have a single membership fee for all full-time employed members, regardless of earnings. GMB’s membership fees have remained the same for the last 3 years to help support our members through the cost of living crisis. Last year GMB@EMAS went one step further to support our members on Bands 1, 2, 3 and the lower tier of Band 4 and launched a scheme for our members to reclaim the difference in fees compared to other trade unions fees within EMAS.

We have now opened the scheme for 2023/24.

How it works:

Members on pay bands 1, 2, 3 and the lower tier of band 4, can claim back the difference in their membership fees between the GMB and Unison based on the current membership fees for both unions. After receiving the completed claim form, GMB@EMAS will verify the information and make a 1-time payment to your nominated bank account for the relevant difference in fees.


  • Gross salary must be £25,000 or less pa (not including unsocial hours payments)
  • Pay band 1, 2, 3 & lower tier of 4
  • The higher tier of B4 is NOT eligible
  • Must be a GMB@EMAS member (full-time) since April 2023.

Members may only claim once per year, at the end of each financial year – as the current claim window is for the financial year April 2023 to March 2024, the scheme is calculated using NHS pay scales for the same period. The claim window will end on 31 May 2024.

Apply now at or scan the following QR code

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